MBA vs Executive MBA- What’s the difference? - Know About your Needs

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Friday, 18 August 2017

MBA vs Executive MBA- What’s the difference?

MBA (Master of Business Administration) is one of the most popular postgraduate courses in the world. Following the popularity of MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) courses have also picked up pace. Nowadays, an EMBA is offered in most top institutes of the world. It is often believed that an EMBA is superior to the traditional MBA. But the truth is that the choice of course depends on your circumstances and requirements, with no course being superior or inferior than the other.

In the simplest terms, MBA can be thought of as a full-time course and the EMBA as a part-time course. MBA classes run on the schedule like any other postgraduate course- classes on each weekday with a set time table. EMBA classes usually take place on weekends when there is no distraction from the studentsprofessional job. While pursuing EMBA, the applicants continue in their job and pursue studies on a part-time basis, which would help them accelerate their career growth. Conversely, MBA is pursued by applicants who seek full-time study and development followed by a job after they graduate.

People who pursue MBA are generally younger and usually students who have recently graduated with a bachelors degree. Pursuers of EMBAs are working professionals with a substantial degree of experience.

MBA aspirants require to give a standardised exam- usually the GMAT, while EMBA applicants only have to clear an entry exam as it is believed they already have a substantial degree of knowledge regarding the world of business.

EMBA courses are usually funded by the candidates employers as the candidates extensive studies add value to the organisation. On the other hand, with the exception of scholarships, MBA courses are self-funded by the candidate.

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